Episode 61: Degrade Yourself on Exciting New TTRPG Frontiers


Don’t try to give yourself a Zoroastrian funeral before you’ve thought everything out. Trust me.

Drink of the Week (3:44)
Shook up a few glasses of mezcal with an orange/clove mixer. It turned out pretty good.

Game of the Week (8:30)
If tabletop roleplaying games hinge on imagination, then you should be able to imagine yourself playing something besides D&D, such as Frontier Scum.

Track of the Week (14:25)

Outro: Starkville Wildlife Report (20:48)
I don’t like being ogled by mountain lions while peeing. My property. My rules.


Episode 62: A Christmas Boardgaming Miracle for a Drunken, Bitter Man


Episode 60: Bring Me More Cheladas and the Skull of the Gigazaur